Diocesan Choir - Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong
The Diocesan Choir, Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong was established in 1991 under Sacred Music Commission, Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong and officially named at the Sacred Music Festival in the Diocese of Hong Kong in the same year. Its aims are to promote traditional church and Chinese sacred music local and abroad; to praise God through singing; and using the aesthetic beauty of music as a means of spreading the Good News.
The Diocesan Choir presents sacred music concerts for prayer (e.g. Songs for the Eucharist Concert in 2006) and for appreciation throughout the years, these include works from prolific composers of the clergy such as V Rev. Lau Chi-ming, Dom Clement Kong OCSO, Rev. Lau Wing-yiu, Paul and also laity such as Prof. Jiang Wen-ye, who was one of the pioneers in composing Chinese sacred music. In 2014, the choir also performed Professor Chan Wing-wah’s Symphony No.4, “Te Deum Laudamus”. Moreover, the Choir takes the role of leading the congregation during liturgical functions organized by Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong such as Rite of Scrutiny, Pentecost, Mission Sunday and Rite of Ordination of bishops, priests and deacons. In addition, the Choir frequently participates in different sacred music activities held in individual deaneries and parishes, share experiences of choral singing with the serving choirs during their visits. In recent years, they also perform as guest in the graduation ceremony of the Sacred Music courses.
Between 1996 and 1999, the Choir engaged in various recording projects for the promotion of Chinese sacred music including A Compilation of Sacred Music, the sacred works of local composer Doming Lam, In Christ We Sing, The Grace of the Holy Spirit and Illuminated in The Father etc. In recent years, the Diocesan Choir has increasingly collaborated with music groups of different religious backgrounds to promote music exchanges and the sharing of faith such as exchange visit with the choir from St. Barnabas Cathedral from Nottingham, UK in 2005 and the annual Unity Service for all Christians in 2011. In 2013, the choir jointly presented three ecumenical prayer concerts (with selections from Handel’s oratorio “Messiah”) with choirs from St. John’s Cathedral (Anglican Church) and Hop Yat Church, the Church of Christ in China. In 2015 & 2016 two more ecumenical prayer concerts were jointly organized with the Anglican Church choir. Ecumenism, the idea of Christian unity was put in action to praise the Lord in the highest through singing.
Celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, the Choir prays to the Lord for His grace in praising Him and doing His good work. Gloria Dei, Sanctificatio Fidelium (The glory of God and The sanctification of the faithful). .
If you are:
- Catholics or catechumen
- aged 16 or above
- sacred music lovers
- knowledgeable of basic music theory and notation
- willing to join our singing practices every Wednesday
- participating liturgical ceremony and activities
You are always welcome to join in! Please fill in the application form and deliver it to
Sacred Music Commission, 10/F Diocese Centre, 16 Caine Road, Central, Hong Kong
Tel: 2522-7577 Fax: 2521-8034 Email: [email protected]