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蘇明村簡介       資料整理:聖樂委員會辦事處(二零零八年)



出 版

蘇明村(1996)  《中國管風琴史料初探》,輯於 《神思》第二十九期,(pp. 52-60). 香港思維出版社

So, M.C & Kim K.H.(1998). “Music Teacher Education in Hong Kong and Korea”.Searching for a new paradigm of music education research – an international perspective, Korea: Korean Music Education Society

So, M.C.(1999). “Music curriculum in primary schools: a comparison between Hong Kong and Xiamen, China.”  International Music Education Research Symposium Children and music: Development perspectives. (pp. 53-56). Australia: University of Tasmania

蘇明村 (2000) 江文也宗教音樂初探 , 輯於梁茂春,江小韻主編 《論江文也》pp331-348 北京,中央音樂學院學報社

蘇明村 (2000) <詠96:向上主唱新歌>,齊唱與風琴,禮樂集 19,p.16-17,香港公教真理學會出版

蘇明村 (2001) <中華諸聖頌>,齊唱與風琴,禮樂集 19,p.6-9,香港公教真理學會出版

蘇明村 (2001) <彌撒曲>,四部合唱與風琴,禮樂集 22,p.54-60,香港公教真理學會出版

So, M.C. (2002) ‘A Restrospect of Western Music in Recent Thousand Years’, in Music Quotient 2002 .  Hong Kong: Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, pp.86-97

Wong,P.W.Y., Lai,M.T., Ng,C.H. & So,M.C. (2004) Huang Zi Choral Literature Collection《歌樂流芳—黃自音樂賞析與教學專集》, pp.86-92, Longman

蘇明村 (2004)《二十世紀聖樂隨想曲》, 輯於 《神思》第六十期,(pp. 92-96).香港思維出版社

蘇明村 (2004) <根扎石盤>, 齊唱與風琴, 禮樂集 29, p.68-69. 香港公教真理學會出版

蘇明村 (2004) <仁慈萬有的主>, 長笛,雙簧管,風琴,二部合唱, 禮樂集 21, p.44-45, 香港公教真理學會出版

蘇明村 (2006)  “Recessional Voluntary” for organ” in A Collection of Liturgical Organ Pieces Vol. 6 (p.22-23). Catholic Truth Society, Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong


‘Music Teacher Education in Hong Kong and Korea’.  Paper jointly presented with Kim, K. of  Icheon University, Korea in the First Asian-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research, Seoul, Korea, 1997

‘Stress among music teachers in Hong Kong’.  Paper presented at the European Educational Research Association Conference, Frankfurt, Germany, 1997

‘Quality assurance in undergraduate music study in Hong Kong’.  Paper presented in the 2nd International Conference on Education:  In Pursuit of excellence in Higher Education.  Chulaloongkong University, Bangkok, Thailand, 1998

‘Music Curriculum in Primary Schools: A comparison between Hong Kong and Xiamen, China.’  Paper presented in the 2nd Asian-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research, Tasmania, Australia, 1999

‘A Comparison of the Listening Syllabus in the Official Music Curriculum for Hong Kong Primary Schools’.  Paper presented at the International Conference on Teacher Education, HKIEd  1999

‘Communication in choral rehearsal’.  A workshop conducted with Wong, W.Y. in the Hong Kong Choral Conference 2000 – new experience in Choral Music, HKIEd, 2000

‘A Restrospect of Western Music in Recent Thousand Years.’  An exhibition sponsored by the Music Office and Department of Creative Arts, HKIEd, at the HK Cultural Center, 2000

‘Innovation and good practice in the management of music extracurricular activities – a case study of primary schools in Hong Kong and Beijing.’  Paper present in the 9th UNESCO-APEID International Conference on Education, Shanghai, 2003

‘Collaboration towards effective and quality practical musicianship development in music teacher education programme’.  Paper jointly written with Wong Wai-ying, HKIEd, and presented at the EDU-COM 2004 International Conference at Khon Kaen in Thailand, 2004

‘Choral conducting and piano accompaniment for school choirs’. A workshop conducted with Wong, W.Y for primary and secondary school teachers, HKIEd., 2005

‘The Training of Music Educators in Hong Kong’ .  Paper joint paper with Rita Yip, HKIEd and presented at an invited Doctorate Seminar of the School of Music, University of Washington, Seattle, May 2006

‘The management of music extracurricular activities in primary schools in Hong Kong and Beijing’.  Paper presented by invitation at the School of Music, University of Washington, Seattle, May 2006

‘The contribution of leadership and management to the effectiveness of instrumental music activities in primary schools: a comparative study between Hong Kong and China’.  Paper presented at the ISME, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2006

‘The life and music of Huang Zhi’.  Invited paper presented at the Jordan Jazz Festival, Butler University, Indianapolis, USA, 2007

‘Music and Mathematics: the application of mathematics in the Chinese primary music classroom’.  Poster session at the APSMER, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 2007

Chinese vocal music in rehearsal - a cultural and musical perspective on the vocal music of Huang Tzu (1904-1938)’.  A demonstration/workshop jointly presented with Wong Wai-ying, HKIEd, and presented at the ISME, Bologna, Italy 2008

- 了解更多蘇明村資料,請參考香港教育學院體藝學系音樂部網頁



蘇明村作品 Compositions of Allison So*

Mass for Children
Kyrie 仁慈萬有的主
Sanctus 仁慈萬有的主
Agnus Dei 仁慈萬有的主
垂憐頌 仁慈萬有的主
歡呼頌 仁慈萬有的主
羔羊曲 仁慈萬有的主
聖母經 聖母經
仁慈萬有的主 仁慈萬有的主
AVE MARIA 仁慈萬有的主


*以上創作人之聖樂作品,我們已徵得授權使用,歡迎教友和喜愛聖樂的人士下載。所有歌曲均為原創作品,且經天主教香港教區當局審查,及獲香港教區主教核准(Imprimatur/Cum Approbatione Ecclesiastica)正式使用。本會謹此向各創作人致以萬分謝意。